Saturday, February 9, 2008

My friends find the bills, I find the change

Hmm. My skills must be going. My friends are finding bills. Me, just change. I was just finding your usual left money: dimes and pennies. Up until Thursday, I had found 27 cents: 2 dimes and 7 pennies. That over about a week. During that time, Alicia found a dollar and Laura found a tenner. Sheesh. Then going with the trend that I find change on Thursday I found 92 cents! All in one spot. It was at this place called Vivo in my office building. Someone had just left it on one of the tables. That was a cool find but still, just your usual coins. I guess I've got coin-dar. My friends have bill-dar. On Friday I found a quarter. And I've found a few more pennies today. Maybe I'm like the tortoise --- slow and gradual?

Scratch-off update. For my second attempt I didn't win anything. I do have enough now to buy a third ticket.


Anonymous said...

Ummm... the $.92 sounds suspiciously like a tip that you stole.

Dag said...

There's no wait staff at this place. It's like McDonald's in that fast-food sense of establishment. I don't see people leaving tips on tables for McDonald's workers.

Anonymous said...

I saw a $1 on the Bronx Half Marathon course this weekend. Everybody was just running over it. I guess nobody wanted to lose valuable time picking it up...or else they were afraid of starting a runner's pile-up. Or maybe, just maybe, they were in too much pain to care.