It was on our walk home that the magical discovery occurred. We were passing the new fancy luxury apartments on 16th street. It was about half way up the block when I just casually noticed a penny. Ah-ha! Alicia slows down and I pick it up. As I'm picking it up, I notice another one close by. Okay. Then Alicia, says, Hey, there's one over there. Before I know it, the sidewalk is scattered with pennies.

It's dark and the streetlamp isn't providing much light so I get out my flashlight.

Yes, I carry a flashlight with me. It's in my backpack (along with a first aid kit) and other essentials. Reminds me of a friend's online personal profile she saw recently where the guy has a "go-bag" in his closet if "something catastrophic befalls the city". Okay, I'm not that extreme. But yeah, I can see the comparison. Anyway, I'm pointing my flashlight around and finally recover every penny that I see. What's the total?
65 cents.
I was pretty happy and also elated a friend was there to partake and witness the magnificent find.
I was pretty happy and also elated a friend was there to partake and witness the magnificent find.
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