Total amount US Currency collected: $29.45
Total amount foreign currency (derived from spot rate of day of collection): $.20
Coin Breakdown:
Pennies 740
Nickels 25
Dimes 73
Quarters 26

2 $1 bill
1 $5 bill
Top amounts found in one setting:
$5 (Prospect Park West - $5 bill)
$2.58 (Prospect Park West -- all coins)
$2.00 (Prospect Park -- 2 $1 bills)
$1.19 (Water Street -- all coins)
Highest Number of coins found in one place:
261 (Prospect Park West -- on 7/7/7)
Forward looking statements:
It is fairly assured that Streetchange will break the $30 mark for the fiscal year of 2007. Summer produced the most profilic rate of collection with over $10. As the seasons change so we assume will the frequency and rate of people being outdoors. With just over 50 cents to go to surpass $30 and with three months remaining analysts are forecasting a projected high of $32. Risk factors such as weather, random acts of carelessness by people and the volatility of the U.S. economy remain present and highly unpredictable. As always, these figures are estimates.
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