Sunday, July 29, 2007

Penny Row

On Thursday and Friday I found 3 pennies in the subway around my work.

Yesterday I went to Atlantic City for the first time. I didn't pick up any money there -- winning or otherwise. Glitzy veneer and what's the deal with the carpeting in the casinos? Does someone have a monopoly on the market? Just simple variations in the pattern.

At one point I was at a slot machine and looked over. There was a old gentleman betting away money. He had an oxygen tank with a tube leading up to his nose. I guess time was running out for his big money.

When I got back to NYC, I went to my subway at Bryant Park and found a quarter. Pretty good! Then yesterday evening, I was walking along 8th avenue and managed to find four pennies in 15 blocks.

1 comment:

mike. said...

I saw a bunch of the oxygen tank crowd in Vegas a few weeks ago! I'm not one to judge, so I will not mention how incredibly depressing I found it.