Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Team Yacht

Last night I saw LCD Soundsystem at Webster Hall with a friend. On the way there, my friend helped spot out a dime and a penny for me. I also found a few other pennies. Then after we checked our coats she alertly saw someone drop some change and didn't bother picking it up. I collected a quarter and a penny.

Well, the opening band was just....lame. LAME. He reminded us of what one of our friend's ex would listen to and be all ueber-cool. In reality it was a sad opening band. Kinda felt like I was at a talent show for middle schoolers. Here's the band.

After the concert my friend threw down a quarter on the sidewalk. I don't know if she's "slow" since she's been told plenty of times the "rules of the blog". Maybe deep down she wants to be a banker.

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