Tuesday, March 6, 2007


I found a 1997 penny at the 51st subway station on the 6 line after Norwegian class. It was lying by the turnstile. This will count towards the total.

One of the recent comments stated I neglected to mention the $0.50 I turned down on Saturday. That is true. My friends who shall remain nameless intentionally threw down quarters on the sidewalk on two separate occasions. Yes, I could have had more money but it's not in the "spirit" of things.

I am not going to count those towards the total for now. The money I've found has been left, abandoned, misplaced, forgotten or disregarded. Deliberate placement of money that I observe doesn't fall under the randomness of finding loose change.

I will keep a tally because I know my friends and they'll do it again. I shall decide at the end of the year what I'll do with this amount.

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